Frequently Asked Question

How do I login to Moodle or Email?
Last Updated 10 months ago

Welcome to Bradford College!

Whether you are are a new or existing student, to access Moodle or Email you will need to use your college IT account.

Please note that this is NOT the same as your "Student Portal" account.   Your student portal login will not work on any other systems in college.

This guide will cover a few frequent questions that will helpfully get you up and running quickly, and direct you to where you can find further assistance if needed.

  • What is my college IT account, and how to I get one? To answer this question please see this link to How do I set up my college IT Account?
  • I have forgotten my password, how can I reset it?  The Moodle team cannot reset student passwords.  Please see the article How do I reset my password? for help with this.
  • How do I log into my college email?  To access your college email account please go to and login using your college email address as your login (that's your ID number followed by, and your college password (please see How do I set up my college IT Account for detail on obtaining your password).

  • How do I log into Moodle? To log into Moodle please go to and select Login with Microsoft 365.  As before use your college email address and password.  (please see How do I set up my college IT Account for detail on obtaining your password).

  • What do I do if I can't see the correct course pages on Moodle?  If you log into Moodle but do not see the correct course pages available to you,  Please speak to your tutors and ask them to email the VLE and Systems team on [email protected].  It is likely that your enrolment codes need to be linked to yout tutor's course pages so we will need them to let us know directly.

If you have any other questions regarding Moodle, then please direct them to the Moodle helpdesk by emailing [email protected].  Please ensure you clearly include your name, college ID number, and complete details of your issue and we will do our best to help you.

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